Student collecting data in a pond


The Surface Processes Research Group (SPRG) is always interested in working with enthusiastic scholars with similar interests.  In particular, individuals driven by curiosity and a keen sense for understanding the processes that shape the world around us through a geoscience lens.

Potential graduate or senior undergraduates interested in how fluvial geomorphology and ecohydrology intersect within the context of disturbed systems (e.g., land use land change, climate variability, pre & post disasters or extreme events) are encouraged to get in touch via email if you have any questions or would like to discuss the topics.

For Fall 2023 – No graduate student opportunities at this time

For Fall 2024 – No PhD student opportunities at this time

Graduate Research Opportunities

Senior undergraduate students in GEG programs (e.g., BScH Environmental Geomatics, BSES Environment & Resource Management, BAH Geography) with strong foundational sciences (e.g., physics, biology) and keen analytical skills (e.g., math and stats), who have successfully completed GEOG*3000 or similar courses on surface processes should get in touch.

Applying for Graduate studies in Geography, Environment and Geomatics at Guelph.